Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Hello pupils.
How are you?
When you want to change and do another thing remember: on Thursdays you can practise your English watching the television Programme (Learning at home) in CLAN TV.

8 - 10 years.......................... 10:00 to 11:00-------------> CLAN TV
10 - 12 years........................ 11:00 to 12:00-------------> CLAN TV

And every day from 13:25  to 14:15  you can practise your English watching the programme "REAL MOM" in Boing.
This programme has different parts : games, music, crafts, cooking, nature...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Today's 17th of March, St. Patrick's Day.
You can watch  these power points to learn more about this special ocassion.

In this first power point you can read infomation about this special ocassion and learn many things about it.. 

In this second power point you can select the correct option in each slide to learn the vocabulary


Sunday, March 15, 2020


During these days you can't go to school you can do the activities that I'm going to put each day. You have to click in your level page and there you'll find the links to the lessons to do the exercises and listenings.

You have to do the exercises in your English notebook.

There's also a page with links to do different activities like songs, games, etc.

Let's go, you can do it 


Durante estes días sen clase os alumnos de 4º, 5º e 6º  podedes acceder, pulsando na pestana correspondente, aos libros de cada un dos niveis ou só aos audios.
Nesas mesmas pestanas atoparedes as tarefas que vos irei poñendo para que as fagades na vosa libreta e así poidades seguir practicado a asignatura.
Tamén tendes acceso ao Activity book (Aquí os audios non son  interactivos )
Hai outra pestana á que podedes acceder todos con enlaces a páxinas que conteñen exercicios, cancións e xogos dos diferentes contidos que se traballan nos vosos niveis educativos.

Moito ánimo e coidádevos.